Youth Conference sword

I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day saints. In my church we have youth activities, one big one each year called Youth conference. This year for youth conference we re-enacted some stories from the Book of Mormon. Each of the youth was given some wood to make a sword, this sword was to be made personalized to you; I decided to go all out on it! I wanted my sword to represent my journey through life, the idea of the BriarRoses also tied into my name so it was pretty darn awesome! The Briar's on my sword was to represent trials, experiences and challenges in life, trials are prickly and aren't very inviting. The roses represented my success in overcoming challenges only through Coming Unto Christ, (this was our theme.) The scripture also reminded me that as we Come Unto Christ He will be able to make something out of our lives that could have never been made possible without the Atonement of Jesus Christ.  The interesting, and quite tragic part is the last night of Youth conference we had the opportunity to make a choice. This choice was to write a favorite sin on our sword and throw it into the fire. At first I didn't want to ruin my sword I had spent the last week on, but after thinking I was humbled by remembering Joseph Smith and the Saints having to leave the Kirkland Temple (I think it is) behind. I threw it into the fire, it was devastating but I gained a testimony that as we give our life to the Savior, Jesus Christ by using the atonement and Coming Unto Christ we will become who we were meant to become.  

De Leer en Verbonden 19:23 Leer van mij en luister naar mijn woorden; wandel in de zachtmoedgheid van mijn Geest, en u zult vrede hebben in mij.
*Doctrine&Covenants section 19:23 Learn of me and listen to my voice; walk in the meekness of my spirit, and you shall find peace in me.*


  1. That sounds like an amazing youth conference, I would like to have been there! Your sword is amazing, too; you're a great artist!


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