Oil Painting Class - midterm

First of all, a couple of weeks ago I hated painting. I taught myself how to paint with watercolors, and am still learning, but this oil painting class.....
I had been struggling, my paintings were muddy, they were too dark, and I had no idea what I was doing! My teacher didn't forget about me just because I couldn't paint using his style of painting techniques, but he took the time to show me another technique. This technique you start with white, and you basically draw on a canvas with paint, (This is the way De Vinci painted.)
This midterm is my first painting using that way of painting, and you know what...I am starting to like painting just a little bit more :) 

I couldn't decide which lighting I liked better, or which was closer to the painting in real life...so one has more of a cooler tone, and the other is warmer. :)
Have a fabulous day!!!
