Fall Leaf Study 2018

2018 Fall Leaf Study
In every painting I always notice a moment , or a time that I absolutely dislike ... a lot! 
This stage is not in the beginning, nor is it too close to the end...it is somewhere in the middle of progressing through a painting, drawing, etc. 
I call this stage the "Teenage Stage" This stage frustrates me so very much, nothing seems like it will ever work out, the colors don't even seem like they should all be in the same painting!
The trick to this stage is knowing that if I push past this stage and continue to work, and observe my subject as much as possible then this too will pass. In the end I know I will be pleased with my efforts. Patience is such a prominant lesson in painting and drawing, it is not the most fun thing to learn, but in the end I always seem to be pleasantly surprised with the end product of each leaf painting!

in progress (A bit past the "Teenage stage")
