Happy Independence Day & Caricature practice!

First of all, may I just say that I have ALWAYS wanted to try and do caricatures of people...for people! My dear, dear husband is such a sweet, wonderful, and supportive person, and my eternal best friend!!! He got me to actually live my dream this 4th of July! I have always been awe-inspired by artists at fairs, cities, etc. who have shared their talents on the street by doing caricatures of people. The simplicity of a caricature is somehow beautiful...there is little detail and even a smaller amount of perfect accuracy to the portrait, but I have found the amount of personality SO very great inside of every caricature. Yesterday I decided to try and practice caricatures of people at the local 4th of July celebration, at first it was so slow and disappointing not one person wanted one. However as soon as I began getting people wanting a drawing I sat there drawing for about 5 hours! People sat waiting in a line, in the hot sun, for some time...I was able to practice doing at least 12 whole caricatures! 
A dream that I had wanted to accomplish for so long finally became a reality, and I the time I spent talking to people, getting to know people was so valuable to me. I would not have traded that time for anything! 
I was fortunate enough to take pictures of a few of the finished caricatures from yesterday!  
