Reflection...Graduation...Happy Father's Day!

This painting was inspired by a run that I took while in Logan, along with the fact that John was just about to graduate from University!!! The past semester had been super hard, just because of everything that was expected to be done by the end of the school season. Time with our small family was always a struggle, but somehow we did manage to go on fun adventures and spend quality time together. 
The meaning behind the painting is just that I was proud of my dear sweetheart, juggling a full time job, a full school schedule, plus apprenticing, church callings, and being such a wonderful, uplifting, and Happy husband and father! 
The bird is reflecting upon his many accomplishments while looking at his reflection in the puddle. He has graduated from fledgling-hood, he has learned to fly, and as can be seen he even has a little nest with babies. 
In this life there is much to rejoice about, we have blessing galore and we just have to open our eyes, and sometimes be willing to reflect upon everything we have gone through to only be more grateful for this time on this earth.  

Detail of nest in watercolor
Life truly is a beautiful blessing, and I am so very proud of my John for all of the patience and faith. He is a wonderful father and an absolutely marvelous husband; I am truly blessed and grateful to have him in my life every single day!
