To Create is to Give a Glimpse of Inside ...

To create is to give a glimpse of what is inside of you! 
To create is to love!
(I just had to throw in something about love, since it is Valentines day.)
You see, the way I see it is that Valentines Day is not only a day to love an eternal someone, or romance. 
You can show kindness to anyone! 
You can create love in anything that you do! 
Love is only an action that is given because of a deeper internal emotion ... a deep feeling of gratitude. This gratitude can be gratitude for a certain person, gratitude for a simple smile or kind action, Gratitude for our Father and creator in Heaven, gratitude for the warmth in the sun and the grass beginning to sprout...and even gratitude for new beginnings.
Love is more complex, yet much more simple than we give it credit for being!
I like thinking that as an artist/creator I can show love in ALL things. 
To love is vulnerability at its greatest and to create is to love...which brings me to my point--
 To create is such a vulnerable action because it show-cases our dreams, thoughts, feelings, worries, pain, and joy!!!
For instance the contrast in each one of these stair paintings depicts three very specific feelings. Each session I really was engulfed in entirely different thoughts, and the viewer can certainly tell!

The more I draw, and paint the more I realize that my thoughts, my mood, and feelings certainly DO come out in each and every painting! With each learning session with the brush in hand I find a new story, a new location, and a new little glimpse into my world. The colors seem to change and the type of depiction absolutely changes with my mood and what I am even thinking about; which is SO cool. Sometimes I forget that art and creativity can do that! I especially like the joy in the sheep scene, the sorrow and a little bit of worry in the lonely mountains, and then the hope, joy and new life in the liveliness that the bright, lovely daffodills bring! 
Just goes to show that to a creator ou can find inspiration in every little thing! Sometimes this can be exhausting, but also beautiful!
