Ponder & Create: Pen, ink, & watercolor

Lately, I have been VERY inspired by the flowers in bloom, the General Conference messages that I have been able to re-listen to and ponder upon. I also have been able to do something that has scared me ... painting flowers in watercolor!
I know that must sound silly, but it's true. 
I have never even felt like I have been good enough to ever do the creations of God any justice; He has already made such superb beauty and to paint, or draw it I have thought that I would just mess the beauty up.
What I have learned: Don't let fear dictate anything that has or will inspire your soul. Inspiration comes from God! The burning and awe-inspiring sensation to create something good, lovely, praiseworthy, or for someone else IS of God!!! Also, it's ok to fail. Being scared of failing is something that gets all of us, and something that should not even have a place within us, because the more power you give to the fear of failure the more it will prevent you from exploring, creating, learning, messing up, and ultimately growing FAR more than you could if you never even tried.
This week has been a good learning experience for me, because art can teach so many beautiful principles through experiencing them, and it has helped me put the Gospel of Jesus Christ into action and really learn through multiple ways! Personal revelation can come in quiet moments, in nature, in church, while worshiping in God's Holy Temples, and personal revelation can also come through your specific talents and as you learn to fine-tune your talents God will increase light and knowledge through diligence and as we continue steadfastly in seeking!!!!! 
